Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Top 10 Cool Tools for Schools

Well here you have it my top ten... and the winners are:

#10. HyperPhysics - I am horrible at physics by my teachers have always tried to make it has fun and understandable as possible.  This tool could help!

#9.  Wicked-  Like physics, science isn't exactly my thing, I can see how this tool could help teach people like me about science in a fun and interactive way.

#8.  Leesummit-  This seems like a great tool for finding early childhood activities for your students.

#7.  Smartboard-  For obvious reasons this is a great tool, and is very common in classrooms.

#6.  wikispaces-  For older students this seems like a great tool for collaborating.

#5.  Classroom Jeopardy-  Well considering this is the same tool I chose for my own, and it is just called something else I felt that it had to make my top 10 list.

#4.  Prezi-  I think that powerpoints can be very effective and this tool works similar but keeps things entertaining.

#3.  Teachertube -  I just thought that this site was nifty.

#2.  Dr. Math -  I love websites that help with things like math homework.  That was the worst as a kid getting home and realizing you don't understand your homework!

#1.  Wordle-  Great tool for English teachers!

And there you have it!        


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cool Tool For School

The resource that I found as a cool tool for school is called Super Teacher Tools.  This site has several types of features within it.  It has things ranging from trivia games to tools to help you organize your classroom.  If you click on even the very first game that pops up, which is a jeapardy game, you can see how something like this would be both fun and educational in your classroom.  You can specialize and edit the game (for free!!) to reach the needs of your lesson, and your unique group of kids.  You can choose how many teams you need, and if you want it to be timed.  If you are registered to the site you can actually select the questions and the answers in the "edit mode."  There are four other similiar review games to choose from, along with a quiz maker tool.

There are also some classroom management tools.  They have a seating chart generator, and tools to make random groups within your class. The only downside to the group maker tool would be that as a teacher you know your students and can make groups accordingly, and an internet tool is just good at making rondom groups. 

There is also a "for fun" section that has random things that a classroom full of kids might find fun to check out, but actually have some educational benefits.  For example there is a "Global Head Counter" that keeps track of how many people are alive on the planet, and there is also one for the United States.  You might be able to tie this into a lesson, or just check out in class some time.  There are also fun things like hangman and a random fact game.   

This site can definitely make learning fun for your kiddos of all ages!