I forgot how much I actually like power point. I used to use it a lot in high school for various reasons, but it has been years since I even looked at the program. I forgot how easy it actually is to use. As I explored the things you can do with it, it all sort of came back to me. Granted, I am not exactly a wiz at it or anything, but compared to some of the programs out there it is really user friendly. It is a program that even if you do not know how to actually do something, you can sort of figure it out by trial and error. The only thing that I lost my patience and just didn't include within my presentation, was a video I found on youtube of a silly song to help kids learn to add. I had never tried to do something like that, and I felt proud enough of embedding a link to a website, so I decided to just pick my battles, and didn't include the video.
I think this is a tool that can be used for a lot more than it is typically used for in classrooms. It is a great lecture tool, and gives a visual for students to take notes, and the teacher to stay on topic, but it has potential for much more than that. These presentations we have put together here in class are an example of how interactive you can actually make a lesson for your students.
Very nice job on your powerpoint keep up the good work.