Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Visual Essay

This I Believe:

When I first heard about this assignment I was very curious about some of the movie making software that we were talking about in class.  I wish I would have had the opportunity to actually use it myself. However, due to circumstances beyond my control I was unable to do so, but I had fun exploring other possibilities!

I think that elementary students would be really excited about making a little movie or something similar for a class project.  It would be a different approach to making a lesson fun and memorable.  I used photo-story which I ended up liking, but I think that a video would have been more engaging; I think there is a lot you could do with a program like photo-story though.  It could easily be used for any type of lesson.  Visual aids are great ways to keep children interested in the topic.  

It's funny really, before writing this I hadn't ever really thought about why exactly I wanted to be a teacher.  I just knew that I always wanted to be one.  It took some time to trace back where the desire initially came from.  Most classes have you write about what you believe, but I haven't had one ever ask me about why.  This was a fun project for me, and although I didn't get to use a video, I did enjoy selecting the photos that would go along with my essay.  

My visual Essay:  Enjoy!

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